Angular Developer Mastery Blueprint
Angular Mastery Blueprint - Unleashing the Power of Angular
Transform Your Web Development: Master Angular from Basics to Advanced Techniques!
Embark on a comprehensive journey through Angular with my Angular Mastery Blueprint. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this course covers everything from the basics of components and directives to advanced topics like AOT compilation and unit testing. Dive into hands-on examples, gain practical insights, and elevate your Angular skills to build dynamic and robust web applications.
- Getting started with Angular
- Components
- Component interactions
- Directives
- Page title
- Templates
- Commonly built-in directives and services
- Directives & components: @Input @Output
- Attribute directives with @HostBinding decorator
- How to Use ngif
- How to use ngfor
- Angular - ForLoop
- Modules
- Pipes
- OrderBy Pipe
- Angular 2 Custom Validations
- Routing
- Routing (3.0.0+)
- Dynamically add components using ViewContainerRef.createComponent
- Installing 3rd party plugins with angular-cli@1.0.0-beta.10
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Angular RXJS Subjects and Observables with API requests
- Services and Dependency Injection
- Service Worker
- EventEmitter Service
- Optimizing rendering using ChangeDetectionStrategy
- Angular 2 Forms Update
- Detecting resize events
- Testing ngModel
- Feature Modules
- Bootstrap Empty module in angular 2
- Lazy loading a module
- Advanced Component Examples
- Bypassing Sanitizing for trusted values
- Angular 2 Data Driven Forms
- Angular 2 In Memory Web API
- Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation with Angular 2
- CRUD in Angular 2 with Restful API
- Use native webcomponents in Angular 2
- Update typings
- Mocking @ngrx/Store
- ngrx
- Http Interceptor
- Animation
- Zone.js
- Angular 2 Animations
- Create an Angular 2+ NPM package
- Angular 2 CanActivate
- Angular 2 - Protractor
- Example for routes such as /route/subroute for static urls
- Angular 2 Input() output()
- Angular-cli
- Angular 2 Change detection and manual triggering
- Angular 2 Databinding
- Brute Force Upgrading
- Angular 2 provide external data to App before bootstrap
- custom ngx-bootstrap datepicker + input
- Using third-party libraries like jQuery in Angular 2
- Configuring Core application to work with Angular 2 and TypeScript
- Angular 2 using webpack
- Angular material design
- Dropzone in Angular 2
- angular redux
- Creating an Angular npm library
- Barrel
- Testing an Angular 2 App
- angular-cli test coverage
- Debugging Angular 2 TypeScript application using Visual Studio Code
- Unit testing
Elevate your web development skills with the Angular Mastery Blueprint. Covering over 60 chapters, from foundational concepts to advanced techniques, this course provides hands-on examples and practical insights for mastering Angular 2+. Transform your web applications with dynamic components, robust routing, and efficient testing, making you a proficient Angular developer.
Have another question?
You can send me a DM on my Twitter account @Nagaraj_Dev143 and I will happily help you